Eric Florack on October 16th, 2007

Geraldo Rivera, we’ve commented on, many times, here. Suffice it to say he’s not the most popular person, here.  Similarly, Bill O’Reilly.  As for the combination, I’ve always considered that there wasn’t a half a human between them. 

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Eric Florack on February 8th, 2007

* We’re still getting news, as regards to the death of Anna Nicole Smith, whether we want it, or not. I’ve pretty much written myself off as to having to deal with that for at least a couple of weeks.

Continue reading about Nightly Ramble: Tragic, Bells, Blogs, And So On.

Eric Florack on December 2nd, 2006

So, “Media Matters” has fallen to quibbling over who first started using a particular phrase denigrating their biggest supporters? 

Summary: In a syndicated column, Bill O’Reilly falsely claimed to have “coined the term ‘San Francisco values.’ ” In fact, the

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