davidl on January 18th, 2010

As the drunks pronounce her name,  Marcia Coakley, Associated Press:

Patrick Kennedy, the son of the late Teddy and a Congressman from nearby Rhode Island, showed up to give his support for Coakley’s bid to become Teddy Kennedy’s heir.

Continue reading about Marcia Coakley

davidl on December 8th, 2009

Biology is not a mortal sin.    We can not be held to account over those actions for which we have no control.   I that light, I reject the Jimmy Carter standard that it is a sin to have lust in

Continue reading about Eugene Robinson Tries Hand At the Race Card

davidl on July 31st, 2009

President Obama’s polling numbers are sinking faster than  Teddy Kennedy’s Oldsmobile.    It does seem appropriate, from Boston.

kennedy-oldsmobileSenator Edward M. Kennedy received another high honor today, courtesy of President Obama.

The longtime Massachusetts senator is one of 16 recipients

Continue reading about Obama Honors Drunken Killer

davidl on June 19th, 2009

It may be a mangling of Newt Gingrich and Walter E. Williams, but there is a sure fire way to get rid of stupid laws, make them universally appliicable   That is the people who enact the laws have to live

Continue reading about Making ObamaCare Pass the Kennedy Test

davidl on May 4th, 2009

I think is one of the things politicians do to delude  themselves.   They tell that supporting their particular pet project is somehow beneficial for the nation as a whole.

One the vile thing about democrats in general,, and B.J. Clinton

Continue reading about Arlen Specter Shows Why He is an Ass

From Mrs. Clinton’s State Department, Overseas Security Advisory Council:

In January, Honduran President Manuel Zelaya increased the minimum wage 60 percent, raising monthly wages from US$ 181 to $289. As a result, an estimated 15,000 people have been laid

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton Says Minimum Wage Increases, Cost Jobs, Increase Crime

davidl on December 16th, 2008


It appears Ms. Kennedy thinks that US Senate seats are something to lobbied for amongst political elites when one decides one wants them, and that the public should be happy to simply fall in line. The fact that one has

Continue reading about Snark of the Day: Jane Hamsher