Eric Florack on October 21st, 2012

MOre on the Obama Campaign Funding Scandal

The New York Post s saying something we told you about here over a week ago.


The Obama re-election campaign has accepted at least one foreign donation in violation of the

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Eric Florack on October 6th, 2012

It doesn’t appear to be Obama’s year. Eric Pianin at MSN of all places, notes;

President Obama ventured into the Rose Garden Tuesday morning to announce new measures to crack down on oil market manipulation and address soaring gas prices.

Continue reading about It Doesn’t Appear to be Obama’s Year.

davidl on November 12th, 2011

To echo Eric wrote. we have a problem.   First we had PSU (Pervert State University) and now we have The Citadel. Mere coincidence? Or a pattern?

(Reuters) – In the wake of the Penn State child sex

Continue reading about A Culture of Rape

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Oslo, from Steven Erlanger,  New York Slimes:

OSLO — The Norwegian police on Saturday charged a man they identified as a right-wing fundamentalist Christian in connection with the bombing of a government building in central Oslo and a

Continue reading about Breakfast Scramble; Another Gun Free Safety Zone Killing?

davidl on June 19th, 2011

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Dumbo asks for, then ignores legal advice, from Tiger Hawk:

Long-standing fans of the back-and-forth will remember the enormous grief that the Bush administration got for following the opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel, particularly on the

Continue reading about Breakfast Scramble: Nina Burleigh Edition

Eric Florack on June 8th, 2011

Scranton, PA– OK, I had the burned wiener festival last night. The Wiener is toast, and it’s all over but the signatures. So, I’ll not mention that whole thing.

  • Like hell, I won’t. Ya gotta love Breitbart basically hijacking the

Continue reading about Ramble for 06/08/ The Non-Weiner Edition

davidl on May 2nd, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast ScrambleSchooling the Professor, Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit:

THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER is pushing an Obama cheating scandal story. Bah.  When was the last time they got one of these things right?

Granted the Enquirer has developed a knack for finding

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davidl on April 1st, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Henry Waxman is the new Ken Lay.  It has  been said the an honest man has nothing to fear.  The demorats are sweating bullets.   The Obami fear, honest accounting, from the Washington Examiner

Dems fear honest Obamacare accounting


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davidl on March 18th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
White House flood of misinformation, Ramesh Ponnuru, National Review:

Talking Points Memo, living up to its name, is providing the White House’s talking points on health care. Obamacare is to be voted on amid a final orgy

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davidl on March 17th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble

Jim Inhofe calls out Algore, Meredith Shiner, Politico:

“After weeks of the global warming scandal, the world’s first climate billionaire is running for cover. Yes, I’m talking about Al Gore,” Inhofe charged. “He’s under siege these days. The credibility

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Eric Florack on March 12th, 2010

(Irving TX)– We’re in the shop for some minor repairs, andI ran into another driver who was nice enough to allow me to use his laptop.

A few casual observations of the world around me:

  • Eric Massa:Yeah, I said

Continue reading about From The Road: Dallas, TX

davidl on March 3rd, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble

Is Obama a good old boy redneck?

Barack Obama should drink less alcohol and try harder to kick his smoking habit, doctors say

Barack Obama should not only try harder to kick his smoking habit, his team of doctors warned,

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Eric Florack on November 21st, 2009

The record of the Democrats since attaining office has not been good, at least from the perspective of the average American. Let’s look at their key agenda points:

  • Global Warming, as such has long been seen as a lie. That

Continue reading about The Democrats: Lying Their Way to More Power?

Eric Florack on October 21st, 2009

Hello and welcome one and all tot he most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere; The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble

They say you’re supposed to have 5 service of veggies every day. Well, here’s one heapin helpin’, just now;


Continue reading about Nightly Ramble: Strive For Five Edition

We know this  story has been out a while, but can’t resist diving in with some recommendations to help the New York Times get back in touch with being a Newspaper again. After all, they got rather badly burned by

Continue reading about Bitsblog’s Suggested Blog Reading List for the New York Times