Eric Florack on January 30th, 2009


Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere… BitsBlog’s Nightly Ramble

Quite a bit going on, today. Let’s get to it. And while we’re at it, let’s try something new with the formatics of

Continue reading about Nightly Ramble: Pizza, Anyone?

Eric Florack on August 4th, 2008

These Nightly Rambles are all things I’ve found during the day. I input them all day long and auto-post whatever I’ve collected at around 4 to 430 eastern. I put things in here that catch my eye but that perhaps

Continue reading about Nightly Ramble:W3C;Celebrity II;Legacy; More

Eric Florack on April 25th, 2008

Interesting word from basra by way of the London Times:

Young women are daring to wear jeans, soldiers listen to pop music on their mobile phones and bands are performing at wedding parties again.

All across Iraq’s second city

Continue reading about After Sadr Militia Leader Arrested, Life Returns to Basra

Eric Florack on March 16th, 2008

Ed Morrissey:

John McCain took some time off of the campaign trail and hit the ground in Iraq this morning.  The media calls it a “surprise visit”, but he had given indications that he would visit Iraq after he clinched

Continue reading about McCain Goes to Iraq. Where’s the Press?

Eric Florack on February 13th, 2008
  • So what happens if/when Barrack Obama gets into office? Are we going to see the race hucksters coming out of the oval office woodwork every time someone questions an action by Obama, and charging racism? Will we in fact see

Continue reading about Nightly Ramble: Collected Annoying Thoughts

McQ, over at Q&O, notes progress in Iraq… progress tha very few in the MSM will ever notice:

Another real indication of progress in Iraq:

Iraq’s western province of Anbar, hotbed of the Sunni Arab insurgency for the first four

Continue reading about More Progess in Iraq; Anbar to be Taken Over By Iraqi Forces. Where’s the MSM?

Eric Florack on December 5th, 2007

Via Memeorandum, I see Jules Critenden suggesting that while Bush Bashing is fun, the Democrats are missing out on what they claim to want… Political progress in Iraq.

In fact, progress, there, is….

 …Incremental, though significantly more progress than, say,

Continue reading about Iranian Political Progress Goes Unnoticed

Eric Florack on December 3rd, 2007

James Taranto, the other day(Via mail) speaks about Murtha admitting there’s serious progress in Iraq, and that the surge IS working….

Murtha does make the obligatory complaint about lack of political progress in Iraq, and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that

Continue reading about Taranto Gets It on Iraq