Eric Florack on June 24th, 2009

Welcome to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere…The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble

fronthumpThis is the “Happy Hump Day” Edition” The picture to your right is a railroad hump. It’s how cars are sorted in many rail yards

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Eric Florack on May 19th, 2009

freewayramble1Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere… The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble

This is the “Road to where?” edition

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Eric Florack on August 3rd, 2008

Erica Wagner at the London Times notes the passage of one of the great voices of freedom: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:

Years of internal exile and suffering never daunted him. The 1962 publication of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

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Eric Florack on July 29th, 2008

So, now, it starts. You knew it hadda happen. Once we saw this business in Knoxville, you just knew the left was going to attach itself to the happening like a vampire bat. All the liberal hotbuttons are there

Continue reading about The Knoxville Shooter, The Usual Suspects And the Blame Game

Eric Florack on May 20th, 2008

Well, it’s not a stroke, because……

BOSTON -(AP)- A cancerous brain tumor caused the seizure Sen. Edward M. Kennedy suffered over the weekend, doctors said Tuesday in a grim diagnosis for one of American politics’ most enduring figures.

Yeah, I

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