Eric Florack on October 22nd, 2009

Welcome, everyone, to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere… The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble

  • SITYS #7216:Fox News, yesterday:

    Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Wednesday that the Bush administration had developed a new strategy on the

Continue reading about Nightly Ramble:Where’s the Canary?

Eric Florack on August 13th, 2008

James at OTB this morning examines an issue which the price of oil has been bringing to the fore, called “The Future of Suburbia”.   Now, look; I admit I pushed this one a bit off James’ intended thrust. I

Continue reading about The Left Demands: Wither, Suburbia.

An interesting story yesterday, on the AP wires:


Researchers secretly tracked the locations of 100,000 people outside the United States through their cell phone use and concluded that most people rarely stray more than a few miles from home.

Continue reading about Why the European System of Mass Transport Works: Nobody Uses It.