DavidL's Breakfast Scramble

Alas Poor Dumbo. Leonard Pitts Jr., sees the treatment of Dumbo, b/k/a Barack Obama and only sees racism, from Miami Herald:

Ladies and gentlemen, here he is, “your boy,” that “tar baby,” the president of the United Sates,

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davidl on December 6th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Dumbo on Wiki: Grab a mop, the Obama administration is leaking information like a thatch rook, in a gale.  So do the Obami shut down the leakers?  No the Obami order low-level government workers not to read the leaked

Continue reading about Breakfast Scramble (Monday)

davidl on January 25th, 2009

As I am givenĀ  to understand it, when one declares that he has fixed a horse race, it’s taken for granted that the jockey has been paid-off.

Did Barack Obama garner the Kennedy family endorsement by making an illegal promise

Continue reading about BO’s Rubber Check