davidl on May 4th, 2011

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Question Mr. President, from Ann Althouse:

So… was bin Laden shot because he resisted — the official story — or because a live, captured bin Laden would have torn the Obama administration apart?

More over, did the White

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Brian Nygaard on April 27th, 2010

Crisis On Wall StreetWhen Senator Levin says “Goldman made a lot of money by betting against the mortgage market” what do we think he might have meant?  Knowing some of the political philosophy of the esteemed senator from Michigan, it is obvious that

Continue reading about Levin V. Goldman: Big Solution For a Big Problem?

davidl on January 25th, 2009

As I am given  to understand it, when one declares that he has fixed a horse race, it’s taken for granted that the jockey has been paid-off.

Did Barack Obama garner the Kennedy family endorsement by making an illegal promise

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