An article I noted over the weekend in the Toronto Star peaked my interest a bit;

There were no pleasantries, there was no small talk. Safa Rigby had expected to hear her husband’s voice when the phone rang one morning.

Continue reading about Polygamy in Toronto, But It’s OK, They’re Muslim…….?

Eric Florack on May 25th, 2008

I’ve pretty much held silence on this FLDS thing, but Ive started to notice a pattern in the labeling of the thing which I find disturbing. Witness this write-up from Mary Flood in the Houston Chronicle:

Many lawyers for children

Continue reading about The Texas CPS

davidl on April 21st, 2008

Curses another nefarious plot uncovered and foiled. The liberal intellects over at the Puffiington Post and unearthed yet another white male plot to oppress all women, snotty Hollywood screen writers.

Nora Ephron, Puffington Post exposes her greatest fear, white

Continue reading about Curses, Foiled Again

davidl on April 19th, 2008

As Dan Rather might say: when your donkey breaks wind, you can’t stick the wind back in the ass.    It sure appears that the phone call which prompted the Texas Departmnet of Public safety raid on as the FLDS compound

Continue reading about Eldorado Hoax