davidl on January 12th, 2012

A video shows four purported Marine rendering due respect to purported dead Taliban fighters, from Useless Toady:

WASHINGTON (AP) – Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Thursday condemned as “utterly deplorable” a video that purports to depict four U.S. Marines

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davidl on May 6th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Hmnn, Naureen S. Malik, Wall Street Journal:

A small oil refinery just southeast of downtown San Antonio is on fire following an explosion, leading to a one-mile evacuation, a local fire department spokeswoman said.


An 18-wheeler that was

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davidl on April 30th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Do they really all look alike? The Washington Post’s Macaca moment.

Aliens who areĀ  not welcome, from Fausta:

If outsiders do not enhance the country’s “economic or national interests” or are “not found to be physically or mentally

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davidl on March 28th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble

Obama Care breeds the World’s fastest chickens.William A. Jacobson, Legal Insurrection:

Obamacare’s Chickens Coming Home To Roost Already

Numerous companies already have announced enormous financial write-downs related to Obamacare’s cutback of subsidies for prescription drug benefit programs for

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davidl on March 27th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Obamafada, Meryl Yourish:

So, the man who proclaimed to AIPAC that he had a “strong commitment” to the “unbreakable bond” between Israel and the United States is leading a full-court press to force Israel to yield to The

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davidl on March 26th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Obama administration stuck on stupid, Jackson Diehl, Washington Post:

Obama has added more poison to a U.S.-Israeli relationship that already was at its lowest point in two decades. Tuesday night the White House refused to allow non-official photographers

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davidl on March 6th, 2009


T’d rather be right than “nice” and “polite” — and so would any intelligent adult who values the truth.

Kathy Shaidle, Five Feet of Fury.

Yes my favorite north of the border, female blogger who is under five feet.

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