davidl on May 3rd, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Confessed child rapist, confesses to being fugitive from justice,
by Roman Polanski, (NFL)

It is true: 33 years ago I pleaded guilty, and I served time at the prison for common law crimes at Chino, not in a VIP prison. 

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davidl on November 4th, 2009

Barack Obama vintage 2006, as attributed by Jeff Zeleny, New York Stimes:

“My goal is every candidate I campaign for, I want to win — every single candidate,” said Mr. Obama, who at the time was a freshman senator

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OK, here’s story number one, by way of Michelle:

(06-17) 19:07 PDT TURLOCK (STANISLAUS COUNTY) — The town of Turlock and much of the rest of the nation was shocked when a 27-year-old man beat and stomped his 2-year-old son

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