davidl on June 8th, 2011

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
The O-conomy, from Jim Geraghty, National Review:

Since January 2009, American businesses have faced at least three big potential risks to their bottom line besides the lingering effects of the 2008 crash: A) the possibility of tax hikes

Continue reading about Breakfast Scramble: The O-Train to No Where

There’s a hustle and bustle, rattle and hum over by the meat section in the commissary.


Shoppers are milling through all of those shiny, plastic sheeting-wrapped packages of meat. Raw and exposed for inspection. Carefully perused and selected with

Continue reading about Military Spouse Perceptions—the Commissary, a Case Study

on December 13th, 2009

By Karen Jones, www.JonesToTheGrindstone.com

commissaryAll types of hairdos walk through this maze of aisles, bins, and end-cap displays: the tightly curled, the heavily-shellacked, the Easter egg-colored, the pigtailed, and even the bald. These captains of hair commandeer their vessels as

Continue reading about A Leviathan with a Hook And a Line