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Let My People Go (home)

I swear that if I hear one more government doctor who hasn’t seen a patient in forty years blabber about models, I am Michael Mann him. Models a good option in the absence of data. However when the models consistently do not work and the data is available, go with the data, from PJ media:

On Wednesday Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, who own seven Accelerated Urgent Care facilities in Kern County, Calif., gave a press conference to local media. They extrapolated from their own COVID-19 data, along with data sets nationwide and globally. Using this data, their own medical knowledge and information gathered from conversations with their colleagues around the country, they presented a compelling case, which included unreported health risks related to sheltering in place, for ending the severe shutdowns.

Both doctors understand and support the initial reactions to the COVID-19 outbreak by the federal, state and local governments. It was a novel virus and there was very limited information. However, now they assert that the data is telling them that the disease pattern of COVID-19 is more like the flu.[…]

Their data extrapolations, using a method similar to the one the CDC uses for influenza, suggest that death rates for COVID-19 are similar to those for the flu. According to their analysis, both Kern County and the state of California have likely experienced a widespread viral infection. They both agreed this is almost certain in New York as well. Based on their analysis, the death rate varies from 0.03% in California to 0.1% in New York state. This will be confirmed by additional testing finding new cases for the same number of deaths.


Bottom line, lock-downs don’t work any better at preventing the spread or mortality of the Wuflu than not locking-own. However they do have adverse side effects, many fatal. Good news, Joe Sixpack did not die of the Wuflu. Bad news, he blew his brains out.

Wry aside, thanks the doctors, I now know why newborns put their little fingers on everything, and the put their dirty little fingers in their little mouths. Hint babies ain’t as dumb as you might think.


The Huns at YouTube have taken down the earlier video. Found another version. Enjoy while the god allow: