That’s the reality.

And that’s before we get to talkin how about keeping the government under control.

Three cheers for the security team at that church down in Texas. What happened there is precisely how it’s supposed to go down… the attacker was taking out in mere seconds, leaving some to ask how many more people would have died have there been no good guy with a gun to solve the problem, and those parishioners would have been easy targets while they waited in vain for the police to show up.

Rick Moore passes along his thoughts…

I imagine if you want to find information about the church shooting in White Settlement, Texas yesterday you’re going to have to look quickly because I can think of four reasons why it’s going to disappear quickly from the news cycle.

1. The victim church appears to be predominantly white. We don’t know the race of the shooter but since the victims are white it’s not going to matter since the media and activists will have no racial angle to exploit. Should the shooter turn out to be a member of the “religion of peace” you’ll never hear about him again.

2. The weapon of choice was not a so-called “assault rifle” but was a shotgun. There’s been no national activism aimed at limiting or eliminating shotguns.

3. Joe Biden is on record criticizing the governor of Texas for allowing concealed carry in churches. The media is not going to allow him to be hurt by this nor will they ever ask him to explain his position in light of yesterday’s event.

4. Most importantly, the shooter was stopped by an armed citizen, not professional law enforcement. Although the early reports said the citizen was former FBI, that doesn’t appear to be true. The armed citizen was the former owner of a gun range and training facility, had experience as a reserve deputy sheriff, but was not professional law enforcement. His quick response saved lives but ruined the narrative for the anti-gunners. They’re not going to take this well.

I will add, as several people already have, that the security team in that church had better field discipline then a lot of the shootings involving the police of late.

And has anyone noticed that they haven’t gotten around to releasing the name of the shooter yet? For that matter, any details about him at all?

Gee, I can’t imagine why that would be. (/Sarc)

2 Responses to “An Armed Society is a Safer Society.”

  1. In the best case scenario, police response is measured in minutes.  In Texas the response was in seconds.  The late shooter instantly found himself surrounded by some half a dozen armed citizens.  Well done Governor Abbott.  Now will Slow Joe surrender his Secret Service detail.

  2. Special Thanks also go to Dr Suzana Gratia for introducing sanity to Texas handgun Laws after she sat helpless in Luby’s watching fellow diners gunned down knowing her gun was only 90 feet from her hand in compliance with then Texas handgun Law.

    Armed is good, knowing WTF to do with the gun is more important.  Note the first cadaver on the ground in this incident was part of the Church security detail, and didn’t know WTF to do with his weapon.  Armed alone is just a possible deterrent.  Knowing WTF to do with your gun is paramount.  Keeping it concealed and keeping your mouth shut in NY will often save you Lawyer money.