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Out-of-touch? Ummmm… No.

The mainstream media has been insisting for the last couple of weeks that since the emergency declaration over the wall, a majority of Americans are against the idea of an emergency declaration.

The trouble with that assertion, of course, is that Trump’s approval numbers actually spiked, directly incidental to the decision to declare that emergency.

Oops, huh?

The Usual suspects have been claiming rather loudly is that the supposed opposition to the wall is proof that Trump is out of touch with the American people. Thing is, his approval numbers give lie to this.

At this stage of the game Trump’s approval numbers are just about where the approval numbers of Bush 43 was, about the same as where Bill Clinton was, and about the same where Barack Hussein Obama was and all of these went on to win their subsequent re-election efforts.

I’m forced to conclude by the approval ratings that Donald Trump is not out of touch with the American people and is in fact more in touch with them than the Democrats are. I’m also forced to conclude that this is the leftist Press trying to make their own reality.

Were that not true, why would the Democrats be expending all of this bile, spittle, and taxpayer money to investigate everything the man has done for the last 40 years, along with the obviously scripted protests, political show trials, and reversing themselves on security measures for this country that they approved of voted for it and saw that approval signed into law just a couple of years ago?

The answer to that seems clear: They feel it’s the only chance they have of reversing the voter rejection that hit them in 2016.