Clarice Feldman over at American Thinker pretty much agrees with my take on the matter of Bill Kristol and his Iranian-fundedBulwark“, which inexplicably claims to be “Conserving Conservatism”:

The Weekly Standard eventually failed due to irrelevance. The Bulwark, established immediately to replace the aforementioned, will likely continue this tradition of irrelevance, only occasionally rising into the spotlight when some liberal television show needs a token conservative who has been beaten into submission.

It’s sad to see these minds, which have so much potential, wasting away in a fantasy land. Stuck on the drug of arrogant, uncritical pseudo-intellectualism.

The degree of irrelevance of Bill Kristol and his nonsense cannot be overstated.

Before the election I made no secret of my support for Ted Cruz and my annoyance with Trump. However, once that choice is made, and the election behind us, reality forces us into a more pragmatic stance of going after Trump and his people when they’re wrong, and supporting him when he isn’t. Fortunately, the former hasn’t happened often. Alas, that the GOP establishment still hasn’t managed to face that particular reality.

Which, in turn, is partially why what the Democrats are doing to themselves is so staggering. (One expects a certain level of idiocy from Democrats, but lately they seem to be out doing themselves.)

after the last few weeks’ Jussie Smollett and Covington Catholic fiascos, more is about to come. The Mueller report — I know we keep thinking it’s just around the corner — will prove to be another face plant for them. You don’t actually need to see the report to know this. To quote Glenn Greenwald’s tweet: “[A]fter almost two years of the Mueller investigation, the number of Americans thus far indicted for criminally conspiring with Russia to influence the 2016 election is zero. We spend remarkably little time asking why this is.”

Don Surber has the answer to Greenwald’s question:

Counterintelligence Investigation is a cover-up to hide Obama’s illegal spying on the Trump campaign using — abusing — our national security apparatus.

Bungling Bob Mueller and the media have spent two years trying to overturn the 2016 election. They cannot.

But an honest investigation would focus on Obama, Clapper, Brennan and Susan the Unmasker Rice.

Doubtless aware that the two-year political fiasco was coming to a disappointing end, Elijah Cummings and Adam Schiff, called convicted perjurer Michael Cohen to testify before the House Oversight Committee represented by Clinton spinner Lanny Davis.

Among the highlights are these, as Sharyl Attkisson reports:

Final nails in the coffins
Nail 1 — The Steele dossier: Cohen said, unequivocally, that he’s never visited Prague. That’s contrary to the now-discredited opposition research “dossier” the FBI presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to obtain secret wiretaps.
Nail 2 — BuzzFeed’s “bombshell”: Cohen said Trump never directed him to lie to investigators about the timing of a Trump Tower Moscow project during the 2016 campaign. That discredited the BuzzFeed “bombshell” and multiple anonymous sources that claimed Cohen had told special counsel Robert Mueller that Trump ordered Cohen to lie. Mueller also previously disputed the same report. (Note: While Cohen denied the BuzzFeed allegations that Trump had directed him to lie, Cohen stated that he did lie on Trump’s behalf, because he assumed Trump meant for him to do so.) [snip] Worst luck Cohen estimated that he secretly recorded people 100 times — but couldn’t cite any recordings proving claims against Trump.

… and then there’s their headlong march to the left…

Triggering the blowup was Wednesday’s votes on a bill to expand federal background checks for gun purchases. Twenty-six moderate Democrats joined Republicans in amending the legislation, adding a provision requiring that ICE be notified if an illegal immigrant seeks to purchase a gun.
That infuriated liberals who have railed against ICE’s role in conducting mass deportations and embarrassed Democratic leaders who couldn’t keep their members in line on a high-profile bill.
The Democratic infighting reflects a fractured caucus and diverse freshman class, with dozens of moderates elected in districts that President Trump won in 2016 at odds with hard-charging liberals. The split has exposed divisions among Pelosi and her top lieutenants, Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) and Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.), over the party strategy to keep its newfound majority.

When the Democrats held the White House, the Senate, and the House they did not vote to restrict gun ownership. Why? Because too many of them knew it would end their time in office. Only nincompoops could imagine such measures would pass muster with a party now less powerewful.

Then again, frankly, that pretty much describes the Democrat Party of today as well as the GOP establishment.

I can’t help but think that the 2020 repercussions of the GOP establishment and the Democrat Party both engaging in lockstep suicide-by-fire will make Reagan’s two landslides look miniscule by comparison.