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So If Rosenstein And Andy McCabe were Involved in a Whitehouse Coup…

Let’s establish the playing field first…

Having done this, let’s move the discussion about Rod Rosenstein to the hypothetical for a few moments.

Just for the sake of argument, let’s say he was, as I believe, involved in a coup against the Trump Administration.

Do you really think that he’d admit such under these circumstances?

If anybody deserves firing is Rod Rosenstein, and for more than just this. The guy has demonstrated himself to be a slimy weasel of the grade that the Clintons would employ. I’ve said so on previous occasions.

Further, Rosenstein is demonstrably up to his eyeballs in this business, being the one that signed off on the falsely obtained FISA warrants to spy on Trump and his campaign and on the White House. Not just once, but repeatedly. His protests of Innocence are thereby expected, incredible, and dismissed out of hand. there is but one answer for the man’s treachery. Rosenstein should not only be dismissed from his position, but jailed.

Andrew McCabe, meantime is trying to transmit the message to the powers-that-be in the deep State, “Hey look I took one for the side”. The problem being of course it in the doing he’s exposed to the deep state and has confirmed conservatives’ worst fears.

He’s also exposed himself as actively working against the duly elected President of the United States. And there again, there is but one answer. Jail.