I observe Katie Hopkins.

..No anger for me this time. No rage like I’ve felt before. No desperate urge to get out there and scream at the idiots who refused to see this coming.

Not even a nod for the glib idiots who say this will not defeat us, that we will never be broken, that cowardice and terror will not get the better of Britain.

Because, as loyal as I am, as patriotic as I am, as much as my whole younger life was about joining the British military and fighting for my country — I fear we are broken.

Not because of this ghoulish spectacle outside our own Parliament. Not because of the lives rammed apart on the pavement, even as they thought about what was for tea. Or what train home they might make.

But because this is us now.

This is our country now.

This is what we have become.

To this, we have been reduced.

Because all the while those forgiving fools in Brussels stood with their stupid hands raised in hearts to the sky, another mischief was in the making. More death was in the pipeline.

As the last life-blood of a police officer ran out across the cobbles, the attacker was being stretchered away in an attempt to save his life.

London is a city so desperate to be seen as tolerant, no news of the injured was released. No clue about who was safe or not.

Liberals convince themselves multiculturalism works because we all die together, too.

An entire city of monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Blind. Deaf. And dumb.

And there it is. 

Bruce McQuain, who is one of my favorite bloggers, observe this column and responds in part…

The point to be made here is, even as the UK slowly comes to the realization that it has been duped and endangered on a massive scale by liberals, the same sort of movement has roots here.  For eight years, our leadership wouldn’t even acknowledge Islamic terrorism.  It claimed that “refugees” from extremist areas posed no threat to us even while terrorist organizations openly used refugee status to infiltrate western countries.  We get the same pious nonsense pushed at us about “diversity”, “multiculturalism” and “tolerance”.  And if you don’t buy into those concepts and have the temerity to speak out against them, why the left will attempt to shout you down and shut you down.  If you express a common sense view that attacks the narrative that “all diverse cultures are created equal and must be tolerated”, you’re a fascist and deserving of being stripped of your right to free speech and expression.

He adds…

All cultures are not equal.  Some are toxic, deadly and barbaric.   Diversity isn’t our strength, assimilation is.  Assimilation of diverse peoples and cultures into a single American culture is what has made this country “exceptional”.  Diversity has made all the other countries unexceptional.  But we’re headed down the path of destruction led by these glib troubadours of doom who spout the PC narrative of multiculturalism, diversity and tolerance.  Hopkins has figured it out.

First of all and in passing,I observe that the ones that are complaining the loudest about what Trump has been attempting to do in terms of protection of our culture and our society from terrorists who would destroy it are without exception the ones who complained that W didn’t do enough in that regard.

Secondly, observe please, my comments as regards cultures last week.

Says Hopkins:

This place is just like Sweden. Terrified of admitting the truth about the threat we face, about the horrors committed by the migrants we failed to deter — because to admit that we are sinking, and fast, would be to admit that everything the liberals believe is wrong.

That multiculturalism has not worked. That it is one big fat failure and one big fat lie.

I have no problem whatsoever with immigration. But the very word makes the assumption that the process is one of assimilation. One assumes that the Immigrant actually wants to become a part of American culture. Unfortunately for too long we have had a government which doesn’t believe in American culture and therefore refuses to defend it, or reinforce it.

I have been saying for decades now…

The original purpose of government, therefore, is to protect, nurture and defend, and if possible expand the influence of, the culture that gave it life. 

So, then, what we are seeing is a failure of government in its primary task.
The British are going through that process just now and have begun to figure it out.

I suppose it could be said that Americans have begun to figure it out as well. Bruce:

Are you beginning to understand Trump yet?  Brexit?  Fed up with the betrayal doesn’t begin to describe what is happening.  This is indeed a people’s movement and so much of the political establishment both here and in Europe remains clueless. The people of these nations know that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck and no amount of calling it a kitten is going to work.  At least to those who’ve removed their blinders and are deaf to the siren song of the multiculti’s narrative.

All cultures are not equal.  Some are toxic, deadly and barbaric.   Diversity isn’t our strength, assimilation is.  Assimilation of diverse peoples and cultures into a single American culture is what has made this country “exceptional”.  Diversity has made all the other countries unexceptional.  But we’re headed down the path of destruction led by these glib troubadours of doom who spout the PC narrative of multiculturalism, diversity and tolerance.  

I remain convinced that we would have been better off on the whole with Ted Cruz in the White House. Nothing that Donald Trump has done has even come close to convincing me otherwise.

And I have been saying right along that the reaction we are seeing to Trump from the left has nothing to do with Trump per se because their reaction would be the same for anyone who was not Hillary Clinton… or for that matter anyone who is to the right of Fidel Castro.

We are seeing is not a swing toward Trump per se, but a massive swing away from the left… and they know it …and they also know why. That’s the reason for the Panic from the usual suspects. People around the Western world are finally rising up against the cultural betrayal that the worldwide left has been perpetrating.

I will close by reiterating what I said last week…

Absent the effort to allow the culture back into the role and value set… The perceptions of morality, of right and of wrong, that it had at the founding of this country, we are not going to save it.

Frankly though I can’t help but wonder if the damage  isn’t beyond repair.