I’ve been sitting and listening for a while now to both the Trump supporters and their idolizing the man and the left and they’re predictable trashing the man. I am amused because both of them are of a piece and they don’t know it and they be angry at you if you told them so…. and frankly I have patience for precisely none of it.

The sad fact is that they both take away all the air in the room in terms of levelling serious criticism against the man and his proposed policies. Trump supporters are all but making claims of the streets being paved with gold and the left is all but complaining that they were turned into a newt, but they got better.

(Yes that’s a Monty Python reference.)

Anybody whose spouts protectionist policies as Trump has including in his inaugural speech, is not a student of economic history. History has shown us clearly that everytime protectionism is brought to bear the economy Falls over and plays dead. Unless somebody set him straight on this, I fear our situation is going from bad to worse.

If there’s one bit of comfort in all of this it’s watching the left meltdown. 

Oh, I’m quite sure that I will get emails asking if Trump isn’t better than Hillary Clinton and Obama. Well of course. Who wouldn’t be? Then again, that’s not much of a hurdle, is it?