From Hill via Clayton Cramer:

Hilary Clinton on Thursday decried the spread of fake news online, calling it an “epidemic” that Congress should take action against.

“The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year — it’s now clear the so-called fake news can have real-world consequences,” Clinton said during a speech on Capitol Hill.

Some Democrats have argued the spread of anti-Clinton fake news online contributed to her electoral loss to Donald Trump.

The issue has received renewed attention this week after a gunman entered a pizzeria in Washington that was at the center of a false viral conspiracy theory that alleged it was home to a pedophilia ring operated by Clinton and her inner circle.


Not sure what she means. Discussion of Benghazi, or her rapist husband? If she’s upset about rumors on social media, perhaps she’ll take action against how most of her younger voters get misinformed? Regardless, any form of expression that isn’t libelous, slanderous, or treasonous is protected by the First Amendment, including burning Old Glory. Lies are largely a matter of opinion in the political sphere.

What it means is that Mrs. Clinton has lost yet another election is a still seething mad about it.

Fake news is any news which puts the democrats in bad light but which they can not spin  If  it were not for fake news,  Mrs. Clinton would not make any news.   News faked by Mrs. Clinton includes making a fortune on cattle futures by reading the Wall Street Journal,  the idea that somehow TWA flight 800 blew-up due a electrical spark in an empty fuel tank, the idea Mr. Clinton was getting B.J. from an intern as merely some “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy”, the idea sniper fire in Bosnia, that the Clinton left the White House, with the china but were otherwise “dead broke”, but somehow bought two mansion and that her practice of storing official government records on her private computer was approved, by somebody who Mrs. Clinton could not recall.

Other notable fake news stories:   Dim Won’s promise “If you like your doctor,l you can keep your doctor, the very idea of an Obama economic recovery, the idea that the late Fidel Castro deserves credit for never having on election in over sixty years and the United Nations is not merely a social club for unelected dictators.