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Winners And Losers

First let’s talk about Julian Assange and is supposed to surprise information that’s going to be he says coming out on Wednesday.

He claims they have proof that the Democrats side of the primary was rigged.

Well I certainly wouldn’t put it past Hillary Clinton, or for that matter any Democrat, the fact of the matter is that nobody is going to have their mind Changed by that revelation. First, because if anybody hasn’t been swayed off of Hillary Clinton by now, remarkable resistance to fact and are probably not going to be swayed by any added facts.

More, one would have to believe that the Democrat Party as a whole has shifted so far to the left as to willingly nominate the open socialist nonsense that Bernie Sanders represents. Somewhat optimistic perhaps but I refuse to believe that even they have gone that far.
Beyond the Specter of corruption, which hasn’t made any difference in this race yet you would have to believe that Bernie Sanders had a hope in Hell of winning the nomination.

Now as for Julian Assange himself, it’s difficult to Envision what this little bomb thrower has up his motivational sleeve. Always assuming of course that this isn’t merely the latest implementation of Al Capone’s vault.

Personally I would be far more interested in seeing some degree of Investigation on the part of anyone, including the decidedly less than reliable Julian Assange into the manipulations of the GOP establishment to prevent conservatives from getting to the top of the ticket and the same Donald Trump in there instead.

As to last night’s little dog and pony show, it must be said that Donald Trump’s performance was disappointing. His understanding of Economics, specifically these of these a trade deficit is nothing short of abysmal. Is lack of response over the destruction of the United States coal industry was another ball he dropped. Perhaps the biggest problem I had with him last night was his complete refusal to address the knee-jerk phrase that liberals constantly use and Hillary used it last night, “fair share.” He had a tremendous chance to kill off that weed at the root, and declined to do anything about it at all. Possibly Because he believes in that nonsense himself.

The aftermath of last night is this. Nobody’s minds got changed.

Perhaps the best comment on this whole charade enstrom Jeff Jacoby who suggested earlier this morning…

It is pointless to ask who won last night’s so-called “debate.” Trump’s supporters were not won over by Clinton, and her supporters didn’t cross over to him. The clear loser, on the other hand, was the American electorate. What an embarrassment.