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Open Letter to Ted Cruz

?From Peter Simms: 
My open letter to Senator Ted Cruz:

Senator Cruz, 

Your endorsement- or whatever you’re calling it- will not motivate any significant number of people to vote for Trump. 

If your supporters were the type that idolize a man enough to follow him above principal and conviction- they would already be Trump supporters. But the typical Cruz supporter, like me, believes in the ideals you stand for and the foundational documents of our faith and our Republic. 

We didn’t support your platform because you so eloquently and passionately persuaded us; rather, we were thrilled to support you as someone who so courageously championed the ideals and policies we already believed in. 

The most frightening thing about our culture today is the lack of strong voices standing up to the crushing tide of progressivism and Godlessness. It seems every day another traditional institution crumbles, another minister of the Gospel swallows heretical theology, and another elected official turns their back on their promises to serve the electorate. 

For a brief time, you appeared as a shining beacon on a rock amid the flood of phonies and we rallied to your side- not as fawning groupies blindly following a political rockstar, but as kindred voices, thankful for a conductor who sings our song. 

I don’t regret the hundreds of hours I spent working on your campaign, and I know you believe you are doing the right thing with today’s announcement. Your conscience is your own. But I am sorely disappointed in your decision to use your platform, provided to you by God-fearing conservatives and lovers of liberty to support an individual who foolishly rejects God’s forgiveness while actively incurring His wrath, and who loves only himself. 

This public statement will, in my estimation, not result in any significant support for Trump from your supporters. Our consciences won’t allow it. It also won’t produce any meaningful crossover from the Trump camp to yours in 2020. Their pride won’t allow it. 

By your own reasoning, you trust Trump to do what he’s said in regards to policy, nominations, and the like. It is precisely because he rarely if ever does what he says that we opposed his candidacy in the first place. (That, and he’s a scoundrel of epic proportion) Well-meaning conservatives funding and voting for feckless politicians who reverse course at the first whiff of power are the reason for Trump’s rise in the first place. Most of us recognize the sad irony in this of course, and we realize he isn’t trustworthy, and therefore deserves neither our support nor our vote. It was your eschewing this political norm that classified you as the true outsider in the race. 

If you, Senator, like many other constitutional conservatives, decide to cast your one vote for Trump as the lesser of two evils, that’s a personal choice I won’t condemn. But to use your good name to encourage others to do the same casts a shadow on everything you and WE have been fighting for the last 18 months. 

It is clear now that the Republican Party allies itself with the enemies of Liberty and Constitutional government. It is the current GOP that must be defeated if we are ever to have a true alternative to the left’s Marxist agenda.

Our movement needs men of integrity that stand on principle, defying the contemptible and the corrupt in Washington. We are still willing to stand with you, but not if you stand with them.


Peter Simms

Greenville, SC