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Trumpsters Know They’re in Trouble.

Hey, Trumpsters…

Don’t be trying to compare Donald Trump to Barack Obama. Certainly Trump is better than Obama. Who isn’t?

On the other hand, consider hat Trump had only managed to get to around 41% nationally, whereas somebody who is arguably the worst presidential candidate in America’s history, Hillary Clinton, is four or five points above him.

When you can’t do better than that against Hillary Clinton you know you’ve got a problem.

Now, I’m doubtless going to be hearing about how much resistance Donald Trump has gotten. While that’s true, that’s how these things are won and lost.

Would it not have been simpler and far more productive to put an actual conservative at the top of the ticket? Somebody who wouldn’t get all the resistance? Somebody who actually had some character about him? Some honesty?  Somebody who was (gasp) presidential?

Don’t blame #nevertrump for this.
Blame yourselves. You made the bed. Don’t complain about it’s lack of comfort.now.

And don’t be shocked when people are angry with you for helping the Clintons.