Trump_ClintonEric opined:

So you tell me, what do we gain by electing Trump? Nothing.

In fact, we lose something, we have to give up our principles to do it. I’m not playing along.

Don’t tell me about how I’m not voting for Trump is a vote for Hillary. That’s just not the case.

Marco Rubio opined:

While Republican voters have chosen Donald Trump as the presumptive GOP nominee, my previously stated reservations about his campaign and concerns with many of his policies remain unchanged. He will be best served by a running mate and by surrogates who fully embrace his campaign. As such, I have never sought, will not seek and do not want to be considered for Vice President. Instead, I will focus my attention on representing the people of Florida, retaining a conservative majority in the Senate and electing principled conservatives across the country.

Here in lies the problem. Eric asserts that you need to agree with Donny’s principles in order to vote for him, and Rubio asserts that you need to support Donny’s principles in order run with him (or also to endorse him). The problem in supporting Little Donny is that nobody, including Trump himself, knows from one minute to the next what, if any, Donny’s principles our.

Moreover, Demented Donny has taken to attacking Speaker Paul Ryan for not abandoning the republican caucus position in a mad dash to endorse Demented Donny. Unlike Trump, Ryan has political control of an institution to defend. Political control of Congress will go a long way to thwarting the plans of President Hillary and political control of the Senate would give Congress the ability to stop Mrs. Clinton scheme to pack the Supreme Court.

Control of Congress is an valuable political asset. Demented Donny’s over inflated ego, not so much.