Not that I expect Representative Barbara Norton (LA-3) to understand any of this.  God gave us fools not so much to educate. but rather to mock.

One, the Declaration of Independence had to assert that all men are created equal, in the sense that none was king. For unless all men were equal to the king, then they could not disavow any loyalty to the king.

Two, Norton conflates the actions attributed to god, to wit all men were created equal, to the actions of mortal men in not treating all men as in fact equal. The founder did not live up to their ideals.   Nor can the actions of mere mortal men, change to action of god.

Three, I challenge Representative Norton to assert Doctor King’s dream, that someday men will not be judged by the color of their skin but rather by the content of their character. There is no surer way to start a fight than to assert to either a social justice warrior, or a member of the black lives matter movement that men should be judged by the content of their character. These SJW and BLM bigot are all about judging people by class and not character. The SJW and BLM crowd to do live up to Dr. King’s dream, nor even aspire to.

if I were but emperor, I would decree that Dr. King not be honored until his ideals were.