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And the Horse You Rode in on Donald

From Red State [1]:

Tonight, in the Detroit debate, Donald Trump went further. He doubled down on his claim that American Soldiers should be in the business of assassinating innocent women and children because of the actions of their husbands/fathers. This is wrong. This is a war crime. This is an illegal order. When he was told U.S. troops do not obey orders to commit war crimes, he responded in typical Trump fashion. “I know leadership, I tell them to do it and they will do it. I’m a leader.”

The Donald said “I know leadership.” Non-concur. Trump does not. An American soldier takes an oath not to his commander-in-chief, but rather vows to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, which includes obeying all legal orders from those appointed above him. We are a nation governed by laws, not men.

In the late Imperial Russia, the Czar ordered his soldiers to fire into the protesting crowds. Rather than murder their countryman, neighbors and family, the Czar’s soldiers murdered their own officers. There are limits to any leader’s authority.    On the other hand, it was duty, and not obedience that sent three hundred forty-three New York City fire fighters into the World Trade Center on Nine Eleven.   Not that I expect Trump is capable of understanding that.