I thought it might be interesting just spend some time going over some of the records involving the guy who wrote the hit piece in The Politico on Ben Carson. It turns out, that this situation is about what you’d expect.

The author’s name is Kevin Cheney. Turns out he has a long history of being an activist for leftist causes.

The first thing I manage to locate was a record of arrest at Madison Square Garden in 2004 protesting at the Republican National Convention there. Turns out that Mr Cheney, unsurprisingly, was there on a press pass.

Cheney has an extremely long history of writing hit piece against anyone who dares to be to the right of Fidel Castro.  One really must assume that if Politico vetted this guy, they had a pretty good idea that’s what he was going to do for them.

So, this tells us two things.

First of all that the article that Chaney wrote in The Politico isn’t worth the powder to blow up.

Secondly, that The Politico isn’t either.