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Lame Stream on Parade: I See No Bias

Admit, the lame stream media has  no ideological baggage agenda, from Kate, Small Dead Animals [1]:


The lame streamers, at least at CNN, have there head stuck so far up their agenda to normalize homosexual behavior that they literally can not see.   I am sure that idea Islamic extremists are going to change their moral convictions, such as they are, by one disjointed Supreme Court decision.   See bridge, Brooklyn.

The word is not activist.  It is vandal, from Useless Toady [3]:

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Several dozens supporters of the Confederate battle flag rallied Saturday at the South Carolina Statehouse, urging lawmakers to reject a call to remove the controversial banner from the grounds of the Capitol.

The rally came just hours after an activist climbed the pole where the flag flies and removed it. A new flag was put in its place within an hour.

It appears that Univision’s vision is tinted brown, from MRC [4]:

The scene comes to mind with the news that Univision has abruptly told Donald Trump that they will no longer carry the Trump-owned Miss Universe pageant. Why? It seems that the network is displeased that in his announcement speech The Donald said [5]:

When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically.

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Aside from the fact Trump was accurate, if uncomfortably so? As detailed here in this space just last week [6], not to mention in Ann Coulter’s new book Adios, America  Now? Now Univision – which – hello? – has a contract with Trump – has abruptly broken their contract in a fit of pique.

Aside, if Le Donald wants to be a serious presidential candidate, he needs to step down from his trivial celebrity television jig.

Comments on the diversity police, from Michelle Malkin [7]:

I have had enough of smug liberal elites wrapped in their “Celebrate Diversity” banners tearing down minority conservatives.

Look in the mirror, media and academia bigots. Your own reflexive racism and divisive rhetoric are poisoning public discourse. There’s nothing “progressive” about attacking the children and grandchildren of immigrants who proudly embrace an American identity.

We are not “self-hating.” You just hate what we believe.

As used by the lame streamers, diversity is dog whistle for people who politically approved ideas. Thus, Michelle Malkin, who is ethnically Philippine but politically conservative is not diverse. Whereas, Elizabeth Warren who is pure Caucasian but politically a native American is considered diverse.