Says Reynolds….

 COLLEGE EDUCATION IS NO GUARANTEE AGAINST COMMITTING ATROCITIES; IF ANYTHING, IT’S THE REVERSE: “Many were shocked that the apparent executioner in videos made by the Islamic State, or ISIS, was an educated, middle-class metropolitan.” “In fact, academic institutions in Britain have been infiltrated for years by dangerous theocratic fantasists. I should know: I was one of them.” Like communists, they thrive in institutions that fundamentally see themselves as in opposition to the society that hosts them.

Of course interestingly enough, that’s where a good chunk of American leftists come from as well. Obama voters. Which, in turn, explain this myth that what the Islamist nuts need to get them to stop beheading people and bombing people, and burning people alive, and so on is jobs.

Of course, just now, that same left, including our own administration and state departments, are doing their deer in the headlights routine, having had this fallacy exposed by the existence of Jihadi John.
Of course, I think I should point out that this was also true of bin Laden. Educated, rich, and yet….

Observe again the last line in the Reynolds quote.

Like communists, they thrive in institutions that fundamentally see themselves as in opposition to the society that hosts them

That’s our colleges and universities that he’s talking about. In short, since our government has taken over the responsibility of administering such places, what we have is a government forcing us to pay for and support an educational system that is devoted to the proposition that our society needs to be torn down. Is it any wonder that our enemies smell weakness?

One Response to “We are Paying For, And Supporting Our Own Destruction”


  1. EricFlorack