Ok, the Old Biddy, Mrs. Clinton, was born in 1947, well before her vice president invented the Internet. But still, with all the old recycled Clintonistas on payroll like Lanny Davis and James Carville, you’d think the old biddy could have hired at least one competent tech geek. Evidently not.   Then, when you tell as many lies as the Clinton’s do it hard to keep them straight.

Kimberlee Kaye, Legal Insurrection has nailed three lies.:

One, two weeks ago the old biddy bragged about using, having four, electronic devices.   Today, she says she can  only handle one.     The old biddy says she used her personal email account because she did not want to carry two devices.   Yet her account was hosted a Clintonemail on the World Web Web.   Any device capable of connecting to the Internet could have accessed her personal email, and likely did.

Two,  the old biddy says she emailed with her hubby.   Yet B.J. says he has only sent two emails, and neither of them to his wife.

Three, the old biddy says her email server was secure because is was in a house guarded by the Secret Service.  Does she think that Edward Snowden had to pilfer actual hard drives in order to national security secrets?

Memo to Trey Gowdy, if you want all of  Mrs. Clinton’s emails, maybe you should ask the KGB or whatever they call it nowadays in Moscow.

And to think the press mocked Forty One for not being familiar with a bar code scanner.



One Response to “Mrs. Clinton, the Old Biddy’s Presser”


  1. EricFlorack