What constitutes the proper civilized response to a barbarian act?  Lord if I know.   Looks like the Los Angeles Police Department tried to thread that needle. from Doug Powers @ Michelle Malkin:

Anti-police protesters call the police after road blockade goes bad

All you need for vigilant style justice to appear to the absence, apparent or real, of a functioning criminal justice system. Breaking the laws, as in blocking a public thoroughfare and then calling for police assistance, puts the police in no win situation. Any actions the police take, or do not take, will require take one side over the other.

Addendum:   Commentary by John  Hawkins, Right Wing News:

It’s not right to treat the police like they’re the bad guys AND expect them to protect you from the bad guys while people you’ve whipped up are trying to assassinate them.

So even if you wouldn’t normally support this kind of thing, this is a much needed reality check and I won’t criticize it.

Even, if you assume that everything the communist rabble says about the police is true, we still need the police more than we do the rabble.

One Response to “Barbarians Inside the Pig Pen”


  1. EricFlorack