I join the civilized world is being sickened by domestic violence, TMZ:

This is what a two game suspension looks like — Ray Rice delivering a vicious punch to his fiancee’s face, knocking her out cold … and TMZ Sports has the shocking video.

We’ve already shown you the aftermath outside the elevator … Rice dragging the unconscious woman on the floor. But we’ve now obtained video of the punch that put her down, raising the question … What was the NFL thinking when it wrist-slapped Rice with such feeble punishment?

The incident took place Feb. 15th at the Revel Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City — after Ray and then-fiancee (now wife) Janay Palmer got into a heated argument on their way into the elevator.

Inside the elevator it’s apparent he strikes first … she hits back … and then Rice delivers the knockout blow.

I don’t know what planet TMZ thinks it is orbiting, but I find domestic violence almost as shocking as gambling at Rick’s. TMZ seems to think that the NFL response to the video as inadequate. Then why should the NFL care more about domestic violence between Janay and Ray Rice than the couple itself does. Until such time as Janay Rice shows that she cares about domestic violence, I frankly don’t care what happens to her. If Mrs. Rice wakes up with two black eyes, or worse, that her her problem. I don’t want to waste my time, and risk my life, caring about women that don’t care about themselves.

Aside to Governor wanna be President Fatboy,  Janay Rice was criminally assaulted in your state, what do you intend to do?

Addendum:    Mike Lupica,  Daily News (NY):

Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner, admitted last week he got it wrong with Ray Rice. Now, with the release of a new video on TMZ.com showing what really happened that night in an elevator in the Revel casino in Atlantic City, we found out exactly how wrong Goodell got it. Once and for all we see Rice’s girlfriend, now his wife, coming at him and see him snapping her head back with the kind of left hook that Joe Frazier threw at Muhammad Ali in their first fight at the Garden.

Rice originally got two games from the league for that. He needs to get a lot more. He is the one who needs to get hit harder now.

Mr. Lupica, Mr. Rice got suspended for knocking his future wife out cold.    Why do somehow consider Mr. Rice’s deed more unacceptable, for having seen the video of Mr. Rice throwing the punch.   Did you somehow think that the new Mrs. Rice has knocked herself out?

Son of Addendum Eric:
Let’s ponder this from the standpoint of equality for just a moment.
If Jayna Rice had knocked her then-to-be husband out, we’d not be discussing this.

Speaking of not discussing such attacks, did you hear about the group of black youth showing up at a Memphis shopping center and punching the lights out of several white passer-bys, the other day? No?

Gee, I wonder why.  And, I wonder, why we’re 27*7/wall-to-wall on the one and not the other.  Don’t you?

One Response to “Janay And Ray Rice: Poster Couple for Domestic Violence”


  1. EricFlorack