More news about Governor Andew “Mario Junior” Cuomo’s New York State Gestapo    Evidence that extreme gun control laws are not meant to apply to the political elite, but rather only intended to disarm John Q. Public, from Will Rahn, Daily Caller:

Jerome Hauer, a top aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, appears to have regularly carried a firearm to work in violation of state law.

Hauer runs New York’s Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services. Cuomo, an advocate of ultra-strict gun control laws, appointed him to the job in 2011.


[Hauer used his hand gun’s] laser sighting attachment as a pointer during a meeting with a Swedish delegation

Were Hauer some Joe Smoe he would already be in Mario Junior’s who-scow. Now that Mario Junior has protected us New Yawkers with his safe act,who going to protect the New York public from the Cuomo Regime.   Hauer has twice been reported to have pulled stunt that had I committed them would put me in jail.

Hat tip William Teach, Right Wing News.