Wendy Davis (Harvard)Much like her apparent hero, John “French” Kerry Abortion Barbie, b/k/a Wendy Davis opposed restrictions on abortion before she supported the same restrictions, from Mediaite:

In 2013, state Sen. Wendy Davis’ (D-Fort Worth) unsuccessful filibuster against a law that would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks and impose uniform health standards on abortion providers in Texas catapulted the previously obscure politician to progressive celebrity status. Urged by her enraptured supporters to make a bid for governor, Davis accepted.


Davis said that she believes only 0.5 percent of all Texas abortion occur after 20 weeks of gestation and, in most cases, only after identifying fetal abnormalities or health risks to the mother. “I would line up with most people in Texas who would prefer that that’s not something that happens outside of those two arenas,” she said.

And, with that, the face of the opposition to that divisive law abdicated that role

Pandering and pathetic.