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The nun-sense that emanates from Washington,  a smart person knows the limits of his knowledge.    Kathleen Sebelius is not a smart person, for she recognizes no limits to her presumed expertise.   A smart person would realize that a nun requires health insurance coverage for birth control about as much I a fish needs a bicycle.   Yet Ms Sebelius  has taken it upon herself to mandate that nuns be provided with birth control, from Politico [1]:

The Obama administration Wednesday said the Affordable Care Act contraceptive coverage regulations are fair — and they don’t really hurt the Denver-based religious organization that got a temporary New Year’s Eve reprieve from Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

“We defer to the Department of Justice on litigation matters, but remain confident that our final rules strike the balance of providing women with free [*] contraceptive coverage while preventing non-profit religious employers with religious objections to contraceptive coverage from having to contract, arrange, pay, or refer for such coverage,” a White House official said

Reax, Pirate’s Cove [2]:

Obviously, Team Obama knows if you’re hurt more than you do. Your feelings are just a part of their daily talking points and executive orders.

Let’s not forget that the contraception mandate, which includes sterilization procedures and abortifacients, is not a mandated requirement per It’s The Law. It does not appear within the text of the the Affordable Care Act. This was created by the bureaucrats who were given massive authority to craft the law by the law.

I certainly agree that there is no limit to what Team Obama pretends to know.

*   It seems the Ms Sebelius failed to study economics as well.  Artificial contraception is product, and products cost money to produce.    No product can ever be said to be free.