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A Sandy Hook Victim’s Father Speaks Out

A few of the comments by Mark Mattioli, father of 6 year-old Sandy Hook victim James Mattioli:

The problem is not gun laws, the problem is a lack of civility.”

“I want responsible legislation. It needs to be simple and it needs to be enforced. We need much stricter enforcement. I believe in a few simple gun laws. I think we have more than enough on the books. We should hold people individually accountable for their actions.”

“I don’t think the gun laws are protecting the people. Let alone the 500 who perished last year in [Chicago]. What have those gun laws done to make Chicago a safer city?

“Criminals by definition break the law. What we experienced in Sandy Hook, did they break the law? Is one more law… I don’t care if you named it ‘James’ Law’ I don’t want it. I think we have more than enough [laws] on the books. We should hold people individually accountable for their actions and we should enforce laws appropriately.”

I’ll bet you’ve never seen these comments before. Certainly, you haven’t seen them in the mainstream media. It runs afoul of the leftist mantra on guns. So it’ll never see the light of day.