Me at OTB just now… a place that is becoming depressingly leftist in it’s tilt…

Of course, the pattern starts before this, but

  • Let’s start with FDR, who extendedthedepression with his policies.  The only thing that got him out of trouble was the attack on Pearl Harbor… which historians tell us he very likely knew about well in advance and covered it up afterward.
  • Then along comes Johnson and his expansion of government power and taxing with his “Great Society”, which was an unmitigated disaster for the American economy. .
  • Next up, Jimmy Carter, whose presidency was marked by massive inflation,reaching up toaround 15% (Part of which, admittedly was caused by Johnson) massive taxes and massive spending, and an economy which looked hopeless in terms of recovery. When presented with these problems, Carter did what a good little leftist would do… he increased taxes and grew government to theretofore unprecedented levels. He thus made the problems worse.  And in typical leftist fashion when presented with these facts, blamed the American people for their “Malaise”.  What a leader!
  • Next up was Bill Clinton who inherited an economy coming off the longest upswing in the history of the world.  By the time he got done, and for the final year of his two-term presidency, the economy was in downward spiral, so much so that the Clinton White  House was forced to using accounting tricks to keep a label of “recession” being tied to the result of his policies. The reason he didn’t get us into worse shape was simply that we were in so strong a position from Reagan/Bush when he took over. It took years to recover from his misdeeds.
  • And now, of course Obama and company.  He’s certainly made a mess of things. And like FDR, may have seen his only means of escape from the noose he’s set himself, being to arrange for a little military action.  He knew of the Benghazi attack well in advance and in spite of this actually pulled back the defenses and offered up US personnel to the enemies of the US  and afterward, engaged in a coverup about it.

In  all these cases, the stated object of the leftist policies imposed was to create a situation of greater “Fairness’ on the income side of the equation. Yet, every single one of the Democrat presidents saw their policies kill off income gains in every income group BUT the rich… among whom, the Democrat pols count themselves.

Every time we’ve elected Democrats to the White House, the economy takes a decidedly southward turn.

Every single time.

With the pattern this firmly established, why on earth is anyone so shocked at our current situation?

The patterns are well-established. When the left gains power first thing it does is wage war on the successful.  When you make enemies of the successful, when you wage war on those who make money, those who create, those of who know how to make a buck, and those who are thus contributing the most to this society, in order to support those who do not, why is anyone surprised when the economy takes a dump?