Kudos to NASA, for landing Curiosity, despite the odds against them.

Granted, that this is a busy time, what with the Olympics and all, but I’ve noticed the coverage of this event is somewhat muted, at least insofar as the usual suspects are concerned. And I wonder a little, why.  I suppose several reasons are in the telling;

Let’s recall, please that Obama and company have just about shut down NASA’s operations. So, a rare bit of success from a government agency cannot be shown to the degree it should be for fear of raising questions about why Obama shut ’em off.

Let’s also recall, that NASA is primarily a MILITARY org. Leftists tend not to like the military.
Let’s also recall, that NASA is primarily fed by private industry. The rover itself for example was built not by government, but by a private, for profit concern. Leftists tend not to like such entities.

Reports I’ve seen suggest the scientists were waving American flags and cheering when the news hit.  Have you seen any pics of this? No?

Ron Atkins ?@Stratocumulus

RT @b0yle: EDL!EDL! Flag-waving team high-fives @MarsCuriosity leaders amid hoots and hollers. #MSL http://twitpic.com/ag2jc5

There’s much more in the way of such reports, but not on the lamestream news. Can’t have people being proud of America and her accomplishments, particularly when run by the military and private companies. Particularly when the current occupant of the WH is trying to convince us we didn’t build that.

Are you getting the idea, yet?

One Response to “Curiosity….”

  1. *If you pay attention the NASA curiosity touchdown, and spike he football, you draw undue attention to the fact that the coach is trying to waive the quarterback.