Meghan McCain whined in the Daily Beast:

“Last week, I went on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show PoliticsNation to talk about extremism in the Republican Party. As a socially liberal Republican, this happens to be a topic I know a lot about. On the show, I told Sharpton that many Republicans treat me like a freak, especially the extreme-right members of my party. I went on to say that I don’t understand the appeal of extreme bloggers such as Michelle Malkin and the late Andrew Breitbart. That’s all I said, but it only took a few hours before my comments were posted out of context on a variety of blogs that suggested I was viciously attacking Breitbart. My Twitter feed exploded with insults, including the suggestion that I should kill myself.”

Hat tip and reax,  RS McCain:

You seem to be under the delusion that you are entitled to demand respect from the honest people you insult, simply because your family is rich and your father is a senator. You are a stereotype of the spoiled little rich girl who can’t understand why people don’t automatically kowtow to her whims.

So while you’re whining about people calling you a “fat pig” on Twitter, other people are actually dealing with far more serious forms of harassment and intimidation. Yet I don’t seem to recall you saying one word about the plight of Aaron Worthing, and you were notably MIA on “Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day.”

Conservative can cite the Reverend Al Shartpon’s rap sheet by rote, Tawana Brawley, Crown Heights.  etc  Yet Megs McCain does Sharpton’s show,  from Wikipedia:

During the Crown Heights Riot, Sharpton (who arranged a rally in Crown Heights after Cato’s death[31]) has been seen by some commentators as inflaming tensions by making remarks that included “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house”.[57]

And Andrew Breitbart and Michelle Malkin are extremists. Sure!

Aside to Megs, as you are a white person and the Reverend has opined that conservative whites want to kill blacks, would not your presence on the Reverend’s show cause him to fear for his life, and if not, why not?