Via Ericka Johnsen, Hot Air:

In 2005, when Obama began serving in the U.S. Senate (and his daughters turned 4 and 7), he and his wife were earning a combined annual income of $479,062. Barack Obama was paid a salary of $162,100 by the U.S. taxpayers, and Michelle Obama was paid $316,962 to handle community affairs for the University of Chicago Medical Center.

The Obama’s problem i not all that unusual, in many families,  the wife earns more than the husband   What a responsible husband does in a case like this is to quit his job, and for him to become a  stay at home father.   Evidently, Barack Obama was not willing to sacrifice his political aspirations for the sake of his family.  I am sure a person smart enough to graduate from Columbia and Harvard would be smart enough to be able to manage of family of four on mere three hundred thousand dollars a year.  Many men manage to do so, with far less income.