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Nightly Ramble Wednesday

Welcome one and all to the most intense nightly read on the web….  The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble.


  • ALL POLITICS IS PRELUDE TO CIVIL WAR: An interesting Scott Ott interview with Billy Beck [2] ostensibly about this. [3]
  • IMMIGRATION CONTINUED: In response to some of the (utterly nonsensical)  feedback I got on the immigration item in yesterday’s RAMBLE , I point to David Harsanyi who says in part: [4]

    For the most part, the controversy we face isn’t about immigration at all. It’s about the systematic failure of federal government to enforce the law or offer rational policy. There’s a difference.Gallup polls (and others) taken over the past decade find that around 60 percent of Americans, when asked whether immigration was generally a good thing or a bad thing for the country, believe it to be a positive. Yet, when Gallup recently polled Americans about the new Arizona law that cracks down on illegal immigrants, of the three-quarters of voters who had heard about the then-pending legislation, 51 percent said they favor it while only 39 percent say they oppose it.

    Americans value immigration. They recoil from lawlessness. And frustration over the impotent border enforcement has manifested itself in a flailing overreach. Arizona’s law isn’t a referendum on Latinos or even immigration itself. It’s an unambiguous rebuke of Washington.

    The issue is legal vs illegal. Anyone who casts this argument as anything else, on either side of the argument is lying. It’s really that simple, that direct. And I’ll tell you this; It’s time for the Republicans for force this issue.  Kaus thinks so as well. [5]

  • SEX ABUSE: Glenn Reynolds the other day: [6]

    LOOKING AT SECULAR SEX ABUSE. [7] What, you mean that stuff happens outside of churches?  Who knew?

    There’s a lot to this quip. It seems to me those screaming the loudest about it happening in the church while ignoring what goes on in that area outside the church are attacking not sex abuse, but the church. How many complaining about the church are also complaining about the far wider impact sex abuse by UN relief workers [8], for example? How many even know of it?