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The Wheels are Already Starting to Come Off the Obama Wagon

Jennifer Rubin over at Commentary, t [1]his morning, casts into words a lot of folks have already noticed:

Obama seems not to respect his fellow citizens — the uninformed rubes who crashed the health-care town halls — nor care what they think. All his energy now is devoted to disregarding their strong aversion to his idea of health-care reform and forcing through a vote on something the public doesn’t want. It’s hard to bond with the American people, (…..) when your agenda conveys disdain for their concerns.

Well, exactly so.

And that, in turn, explains his approval numbers in free-fall. The people are starting to catch onto the idea that what they were sold mis not exactly what they got. And I suggest that when they put together the idea that they were outright lied to by this president while he was a candidate,  the response will be far louder.

As we noted here yesterday, Obama and company apparently see the Tea Party as the biggest threat to their power…. witness the thinly veiled, leftist dominated ‘coffee party’ [2], that we discussed here yesterday. When  the general population finally wakes up to the degree to which they’ve been lied to by the Democrats…. and some have already done so… the response will make the Tea Party and the problems it presents the left seem minuscule  by comparison.