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They’ve ALREADY Blamed Us, Barry.

The polite leftist explanation for Obama’s lack of serious response to the events in Iran has been that such a response would allow Iran’s tyrannical leaders to blame the United States for the revolution currently occurring there.  There’s only one problem with that statement.  They’ve already blamed us. [1]

Iranian authorities on Sunday blamed “terrorists” and rioters for clashes and Ahmadinejad told the United States and Britain on Sunday to stop interfering in the Islamic Republic’s internal affairs

Even a Los Angeles times , hardly be considered a bastion of conservative thought, has noticed that Iran has leapt up onto the blame train [1] in its efforts to save its own backside.  This kind of thing was eminently predictable.  Even the ostensibly American Democrat Party did much the same thing, back when one of its own wasn’t in the White House.

Obama clearly thought that he could avoid taking blame for an action to aid freedom by not taking it.  Just as clearly, he was wrong.

The problem that Mr. Obama doesn’t seem to take into account is that being blamed for something doesn’t necessarily have to have any connection with reality whatever.  This is self evidently and particularly true when the subject, in this case Iran’s current regime, is scrambling to save its own life, worried about the retribution of the Iranian people. At the core of this issue, of course, is the idea that those working against freedom don’t give a damn about the truth.

steveurkel [2]This timid passivity of Obama’s, bordering on cowardice , is not American, particularly where freedom is concerned.  As I’ve said in previous writings on the subject, Americanism, at all levels is based on the idea that it is freedom,  not government, that is the solution for the human condition.  That is a truism the applicable not just to Americans, but to those the world over. Urekl mumbles about “Justice” and thinks his task complete. Of course, that’s not true.  Clearly the president doesn’t understand the situation.  This is not about what he euphemistically calls “justice”.  It’s not about the election, anymore, though that was one of the major triggers of these events.

As Don Surber says this morning: [3]

Surber [4]


…the people of Iran do not want justice. They want freedom. “Justice” is a word that can be bent by those in authority to fit whatever meaning suits their purpose. Social justice. Economic justice. Environmental justice.
Freedom is pretty much life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.Thomas Jefferson pretty much settled that argument.

The press release will not be read by the masses on the streets. A speech on video would be used to rally protesters. Obama went out of his way not to place it on YouTube.

The press release does signal to the Iranian theocracy that the United States will do nothing to support the people on the street. There will be no meddling. Not even a YouTube.

Many .. no… most presidents in our past including JFK, Ronald Reagan, and both Presidents Bush, as a few examples have spoken eloquently to that point about freedom.  More, each of them took action for that ideal.  Alas, is a lesson that President Urkel has yet to learn.

Don also speaks eloquently to the point I’ made the other day both here and at Pajamas Media, about hope and change not been possible for the Iranians but for our actions in the Middle East including Iraq:

To the Left, though, Obama tosses a talking point to try to obfuscate the inalienable truth that Meddling Works.

President Bush overthrew the government to Iran’s north in Afghanistan, and to its west in Iraq. That is meddling. That is pressure. That is a hope. That is change. You see, we neocons and President Bush were right. While Obama and the New York Times were willing to allow Iran to take over Iraq two years ago, Bush was not.

Joe Biden and famously predicted that President Urkel would be challenged by world events.  Of course, Biden was suggesting that his bosses managerial style and ability would be tested.  Old Joe didn’t know how right he was.  What’s being tested, just now, is the leftist rhetoric he rode into office on.  The reality is being exposed that the Neocons had this correct all along.

And President Urkel? well, you’ll find him over at the ice cream shop.