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New York State’s Road to Whoredom

More from the moral sink hole known as New York State, from Rob Stien, Washington Post [1]:

New York has become the first state to allow taxpayer-funded researchers to pay women for giving their eggs for embryonic stem cell research, a move welcomed by many scientists but condemned by critics who fear it will lead to the exploitation of vulnerable women.

The liberals keep telling us that abortion ought to considered moral because after all the fetus is just part of the woman’s body.   Then by that logic, such as it is, the Empire State is now paying cash money, stolen from taxpayers like me, to buy body parts.   And you thought that Frankenstein was a fictional character.

Then if you are like me and believe that life begins at coception, then New York State is paying women tax dollars to sell their sons, and daughters, into slavery.   Then there is that pesty problem of the Thirteeenth Amendment.

Of course, I don’t expect that David Paterson will see any problem with this

By one theory I am being forced to buy body parts, or by the other, I am aiding and abeting slavery.    In either case, I object.  And you?

Needless to say, no moral man or women should consent to allow be it their body parts, or their progeny to to exploited.