
RINO – Republican in Name Only.

DINO – Democrat in Name Only.

Steve Benen, Washington Monthly, discovers in a week what it took the republcans twenty-nine years to discover:

[Arlen] Specter wants Democratic votes, but doesn’t want to earn them. It’s a dynamic that practically begs for a primary

Specter has no loyalty.   Specter abandoned the republican party because he was unwilling to run on his record.   Now Specter is creating a record that no democrat could support.   Specter burned his republican bridges by voting for Obama reckless stimulus farce.    Now that Specter has fled to the ‘rats, he now opposes Obama’s spending plans.   

Look at the bright side Arlen, you’ll always have your Senate pension.

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4 Responses to “Specter of the DINO”

  1. As much as it pains me you agree with Benen under any circumstance, he at least has correctly identified Arlen Specter correctly.  It strikes me that Benen is fairly representative of a large number of the middle to left in the Democrat party, on a number of levels… and I’ve argued this in the past on some of his less than savory comments.  On that basis it seems to me that the next election, even exclusive of the rest of the factors we\’ve listed here recently, including Toomey, is hardly a lock.  There\’s a lesson there for the Republicans, however….  Particularly, the supposedly Republican leadership.  Benen presumably objects because Specter is not a believer in the positions that he now supposedly holds.  The suspicion is he\’s not going to fight for those positions and those principles.  The fact of the matter is Specter has no principles.  What does this say then, about the Republican leadership willing to dump Toomey for the middle of the road Milkque- toaster,Tom Ridge? 

  2. It was something about teamwork, you have to give what you wat you want to get.  That is, if you want respect, you have show respect.

    With respect to Arlen Specter, he wants, or demands, loyalty, but gives none.  In twenty-nine years as a republican in the Senate, Specter was not a loyal supporter of republican cause.  Now in a week as a democrat, Specter is showing is showing the same loyalty, or lack thereof, to democrats.

    The greatest shock since the discovery gambling in Rick’s.

    As for Benen, I find it amusing that the left would have even expected Specter to even have been aware of the concept of loyalty.  A dog doesn’t change his spots, and Specter is one old dog.

    Note to the editor, it might be time to dust off the archives of Specter’s valiant defense of Clarence Thomas.


  1. Twitted by EricFlorack
  2. Pages tagged "unwilling"