We’ve gotten word of  Obama’s first USSC appointment this morning. The SCOTUSBLOG said this morning it’ll be Sonia Sotomayor. 

 I’ve not read enough about Sotomayor’s rulings to get a clear picture on what she’s about, but I think it a lead pipe cinch she’s going to be trying to redefine the constitution, instead of upholding it.  That’s made most clear when she comes up with lines suggesting the courts are where policy is made. Of course, being appointed by the stone cold socialist that is Obama would be a fair clue, as well.

Of all places, The New Republic, on the 4th of this month in an article by Jeff Rosen, suggested,

The most consistent concern was that Sotomayor, although an able lawyer, was “not that smart and kind of a bully on the bench,” as one former Second Circuit clerk for another judge put it. “She has an inflated opinion of herself, and is domineering during oral arguments, but her questions aren’t penetrating and don’t get to the heart of the issue.”

Gee, one can almost understand what Obama likes about her.

Update: Michelle confirms my read and goes specific.

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One Response to “It’s Sotomayor (plus Update)”

  1. Like a moth is drawn to a flame, the one is drawn to those dim of wit.