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What is a Weak Response?

Obama intoned a few days ago, mere hours after the Gargoyle in North Korea launched his rocket in direct violation of at least one UN order:

“Rules must be binding. Violations must be punished. Words must mean something. The world must stand together to prevent the spread of these weapons. Now is the time for a strong international response.”

On it’s face, this call to unity is a farce and anyone who has been watching world affairs in general and the UN in particular, knows it. So, too, however, is the call to action, since such calls require that the speaker be an actual leader, and Obama clearly is not. 


Very shortly after the UN Security council got together and was all too typically unable at that meeting to put together any kind of a response to NORK’s weapons testing at all, much less a strong one, what was Obama’s reponse?  He amazingly proposed the US disarm. I say it that way because there’s no way any of the rouge nations of the world are going to join Obama in disarmerment.  The chances of that disarming bringing the errant Koreans, the Iranians, or anyone else for that matter, to heel, is as close to zero as is measureable by the most sensitive instrument known to man.  And that estimate is made absent any of the other indications we have to hand, such as the lack of our Nato ‘allies’ who will take on prisoners from Guantanamo,  the number of nations willing to send combat troops into Afghanistan,  and so on.

All this leaves us with the rather bitter question for Americans… if this is a strong response, what would constitute a weak response from Obama?

Remember, please that all this took place AFTER Obama spent literally weeks on a ‘sackcloth and ashes’ tour of Europe and the Middle East in which he abjectly groveled and apologized for America’s existing, kissing backsides he manifestly should have been kicking instead.  Clearly, given one foreign policy setback after another following these gestures, the attempt had exactly the oppoiste of the desired effect.  Why? Simply put, The message that such as Iran’s Ahmadinejad and Korea’s ‘Dear Leader’ , the Islamic pirates on the Horn of Africa, the current leadership in Russia, and the whole of the world can take away from this sorry display is that there is no leadership in America, anymore.  Leadership means leading. Obama, meanwhile, seems reliant on appeals to what he considers higher authority.

Then again, that’s why they, all of them, very publicly supported Obama as President, last November.