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I Didn’t Bother

Look, let’s face it; if the teleprompter actually had anything major to give us, he’d have been leaking it for the last week and a half now. The precedes that we saw, the White House at around 1800 eastern told me all I needed to know about tonight’s non-event.  The fact of the matter is he’s after the propaganda value tonight, and frankly I’m not interested in becoming a spreader of that.  Particularly when demonstrably what key is feeding us should be enough to make the noses on half the faces on the East Coast grow to three times their normal size. 

On that basis, I spent time on other things.  More productive things for both my future and the country.

Cleaning out my garage for one thing.  My guess is my trucks going to be spending a good deal of time and it until this moron is out of the white house. 

Working on my manuscript. 

Cleaning the dust bunnies out of Pony, my tape server. 

Shaking my head over the losses to my 401K that Mr. Obama as policies helped bring to pass.

And, shaking my head over the number of people that will believe this bloody fool they elected president.