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Stimulus, Or Government Healthcare?

Feb. 9 (Bloomberg) — [1] Republican Senators are questioning whether President Barack Obama [2]‘s stimulus bill contains the right mix of tax breaks and cash infusions to jump-start the economy.

Tragically, no one from either party is objecting to the health provisions slipped in without discussion. These provisions reflect the handiwork of Tom Daschle [3], until recently the nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department.

Senators should read these provisions and vote against them because they are dangerous to your health. (Page numbers refer to H.R. 1 EH [4], pdf version).

The bill’s health rules will affect “every individual in the United States” (445, 454, 479). Your medical treatments will be tracked electronically by a federal system. Having electronic medical records at your fingertips, easily transferred to a hospital, is beneficial. It will help avoid duplicate tests and errors.

But the bill goes further. One new bureaucracy, the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology, will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective. The goal is to reduce costs and “guide” your doctor’s decisions (442, 446). These provisions in the stimulus bill are virtually identical to what Daschle prescribed in his 2008 book, “Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis [5].” According to Daschle, doctors have to give up autonomy and “learn to operate less like solo practitioners.”

This is merely one part of the package, only one aspect of many that I should be talking about… we ALL shoud be talking about. Obama has presented us with such a target-rich environment it’s hard to know where to start. For the moment, though, this serves as a primary example of why this supposed ‘stumulus bill’ should go down in flames, with senators pouring gasoline on it, yet. This is an example of the kind of ‘only govenment is big enough’ nonsense that Obama’s served up to us.

Daschle says health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them. That means the elderly will bear the brunt.

In other words, if the government feels your treatment will cost too much, it’s yor duty, Comrade, to just go away and die.

Welcome to government healthcare, people.