ramblemineWelcome to the most intense nightly read on the ‘sphere: Bitsblog’s Nightly Ramble

Once again, we at Bitsbog are presented with a target -rich environment. Let’s get some of it.

  • IN THE BEGINNING, THERE WAS THE PLAN: So, Geithner’s plan was revealed yesterday, and the response from the markets was less than enthusiastic, to say the very least.  The market tanked bigtime before he was even done speaking. Clearly, they saw disaster in their future, given Geithner’s plan. I’ve been watching the market for a lotta years and I’ve never seen that depth of  negative response before.  This is the indispensable man? The Financial Times gets into why  the investers don’t like it. So does USNews.  But while they do a good job at listing why this thing is a failure, in terms of specifics, I suspect this is something most people know on an instinctive level, without such specifics. See, here’s the thing; The issue here is to my mind more basic than whatever specifics that Geithner might decide to give us. To whit; Is huge spending and government regulation the answer to the problem, or is it in fact the problem…  Which would explain why approval numbers are tanking about as fast as the markets; people are clearly thinking the latter is true.
  • FAILURE: With all this going on, is it too early to call Obama a failed presidency, yet?  Remember, gang, the Democrats already had Bush so labled, at this point, relative, and with far less in the way of failure to point at.   Or….. hey…. Try it from the opposite angle: Can anyone point out to me on what issue, Obama has been a success, yet, save getting elected?
  • MURTHA:  Here is more on those raids of Murtha-connected lobby firms. That Murtha should be connected to criminal activity should shock nobody, except the squinting fools who supported him. My guess is that they won’t going forward,  but then again, I under-estimated their level of stupid last time, too.
  • CREATING HIS OWN REALITY: So, Schumer says , about those “those little tiny, yes, porky amendments”: “The American people really don’t care.”
    Vid:  Amazing! Has there ever been anyone more totally discnnected from reality, than Chuckles Schumer? Here we have the calls flowing into Washington running on the order of 100 to one againsttheir spending, at a call volume never seen before…. we have polling data backing those numbers…. and this moron comes up with a line like that?  Now, to be fair to Chuckles, he may have been attending the slobbering Hero worship sessions town hall meetings Obama’s people arranged, and is judging by the reactions of the people that they allowed in after checking their attitudes showed up  You know, people like this:  .
    (Shudder) That’s one of those things where you hope beer was involved, hoping nobody could be that stupid… knowing all the while, that this is proof they really CAN be that stupid, even without the beer. But can anyone with a brain— (Which would obviously exclude this moron) —watch this hindlick maneuver, and not understand that those rooms were scrubbed of any and all oppositiion ?  Is there anyone who doesn’t understand that this is a sort of ‘Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain’ attempt? I make the observation that we ahve perhaps under-estimated the ability fo Democrats to unite the country. With the exception of our hamburger flipper, here, and a few other morons, such as the one I linked above, the Democrats have managed to unite people as seldom before… unite them against the Democrats.
  • HILLARY CONTAINED: I must admit I’d been having some thoughts in this direction of late, but hadn’t gotten around to writing them down… It has been appearing to me for some days now that Hillary Clinton getting State was a containment move on Obama’s part. Dick Morris had those thoughts too… and unlike me, wrote them down. At New Atlanticist  James Joyner has a new piece that seems to lean in that direction as well.
  • MIND OF THER OWN: Apparently the votes in Israel didn’t come out the way Obama would want them.  Jonathan Schanzer has interesting thoughts on all this.
  • DOMINO THEORY: Apparently a Domino’s in the UK has taken all pork products off the menu. Again, in response to the religion of peace. At some point, someone has to stand up and be counted against this cultural takeover.
  • RADIO: I made some noise about audio quality on XM a short while ago. I also allowed as how the quality of the programming itself had changed for the worse, following the merger. Now, apparently, there’s another reason to think twice before subscribing. I’ll keep the MP3 player, thank you. It annoys me I’ve got an unused XM reciver in my truck, but such is the state of technology, these days. It moves faster.
  • ALL FIRED UP REDUX: I mentioned the fires in Austrailia, yesterday? Apparently there’s a lawsuit down there suggeting the ‘green’ movement is to blame.  Since this suit is not unlike what we saw out in California a few years back,I expect they’ll win there, too.
  • TWISTERS:  Anybody seen FEMA?